Disabled Facilities Grant

grants for home improvements and adaptations

What does it do?

The maximum Disabled Facilities Grant is £30,000.

If the grant is more than £5,000, we may add your property address to the local land charge register. This may last for 10 years depending on the grant amount

Who it is for?

You can apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant if an occupational therapist has checked your needs and made a referral to the adaptations service.

The grant helps pay towards the cost of major adaptations for owner occupiers, private tenants or housing association tenants.

Council tenants will have their assessed adaptation costs considered by us without the need to apply for a grant.

Where it is available?

Local service (Thurrock).

What to expect then:

Means testing

Most applicants will be means tested unless the work is for a child under 18 years-old.

You won't be means tested if you get:
- income support
- income-based employment support assistance
- income-based job seekers allowance
- pension credit, guarantee component
- housing benefit
- local housing allowance
- working or child tax credits and earning less than £15,050 a year
- Universal Credit

Go to GOV.UK: disabled facilities grants to find out more at https://www.gov.uk/disabled-facilities-grants


Info last updated:
