Volunteer Centre West Berkshire: Home services
1 - 2 of 2 Home services, provided by Volunteer Centre West Berkshire.

Volunteer Centre West Berkshire

Newbury and Thatcham Handybus
Newbury and Thatcham Handybuses are three 8 seater minibuses modified to provide easy access, including low steps and passenger lifts to enable wheelchair bound passengers to be carried. They provide regular transport fo...
Contact: Newbury and Thatcham Handybus, , 1 Bolton Place, Northbrook Street, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1AJ.

Volunteer Driver and Car Scheme
The service is available for regular journeys - going to clubs or out-patient treatment, for example - and also for one-off visits such as to the doctor's surgery or shops. The Newbury Volunteer Driver and Ca...
Contact: Newbury Volunteer Driver and Car Scheme, , Broadway House, 4 – 8 The Broadway, , Newbury , Berkshire, , RG14 1BA.
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