Age UK Sutton: Home services
1 - 6 of 6 Home services, provided by Age UK Sutton.

Age UK Sutton

Activities and events
Activities provided by Age UK Sutton.
Contact: Age UK Sutton, , Sutton Gate, 1 Carshalton Road, Sutton, London, SM1 4LE.

Community Connectors Befriending
A visiting and befriending service for isolated older people in Sutton.Community Helpers befriending is a free service that uses regular empathetic, personal contact to draw older people out of the pall of loneliness. We...
Contact: Age UK Sutton, , Sutton Gate, 1 Carshalton Road, Sutton, London, SM1 4LE.

Help at Home
Age UK Sutton’s Help at Home service supports older people with: Food and groceries shopping - delivered to the door or put away - Housekeeping, cleaning and light domestic tasks - Companionship - ...
Contact: Age UK Sutton, , Sutton Gate, 1 Carshalton Road, Sutton, London, SM1 4LE.

Home from Hospital
We offer practical and emotional support to people aged over 65 on discharge from hospital, post discharge from Sutton Health and Care or from Social Services following a stay in hospital. Our Home from Hospital officers...
Contact: Age UK Sutton, , Sutton Gate, 1 Carshalton Road, Sutton, SM1 4LE.

Information and Advice
Our advisers are trained to help you on the following topics: Social care - such as finding a care home or getting some help at home, and how it's funded. Your income - including free benefits checks, help with app...
Contact: Age UK Sutton, , Sutton Gate, 1 Carshalton Road, Sutton, London, SM1 4LE.

Wellbeing Packs
We have been working with Uplift to produce a Mental wellbeing pack. In this pack, you can find some information about the importance of looking after your wellbieng and how Age UK Sutton and Uplift can support you. ...
Contact: Age UK Sutton, , Sutton Gate, 1 Carshalton Road, Sutton, London, SM1 4LE.
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