Sheffield City Council: Home services
1 - 8 of 8 Home services, provided by Sheffield City Council.

Sheffield City Council

Adult Social Care - First Contact Team
If you feel that you need the Council’s help, you can contact the First Contact 273 4908 You can also speak to the staff in our First Point reception at Howden House in the...
Contact: Social Care Services, .

Care Alarms
City Wide Care Alarms could help you remain safe, secure and independent in your home. We offer you a simple to operate personal care alarm, that puts you in touch with staff at our emergency call monitoring centre. They...
Contact: Social Care Services, , 1 Moorfoot, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 4PL.

Home Library Service
It provides a delivery and collection of books service for housebound people
Contact: Library Services, , Town Hall Pinstone Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2HH.

Lunch and Friendship Clubs
A directory of lunch clubs for older people in Sheffield
Contact: Sheffield Directory, .

Lunch Clubs
A lunch club is a friendly and welcoming place where you can socialise with others and take part in enjoyable activities. You can also volunteer in a comfortable safe environment. There will be a hot meal and refreshment...
Contact: Social Care, .

Sensory impairment support
We offer specialist assessments and services to people with severe vision and/or hearing loss. If you ask for an assessment the assessor will consider a wide range of your needs, but concentrate on the practical and...
Contact: Social Care Services, , Town Hall Pinstone Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2HH.

Sheffield Property Shop
We allocate Council and partner Housing Association properties for rent in Sheffield via the Property Shop website. We aim to give you more choice in deciding where you want to live. Properties that are available for ren...
Contact: Sheffield City Council, .

Short term help at home
You can get short-term support to help you regain your independence at home from our Short Term Intervention Team. You may need this help because of an illness, after a fall, or because you’re leaving hospital.
Contact: Social Care Services, , Town Hall Pinstone Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2HH.
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