Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council: Home services
1 - 7 of 7 Home services, provided by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council

Adult Social Care
Assesses need for social care and for financial help to afford it. Also assesses and can help meet the needs of carers.
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Town Hall, Edward Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 3XE.

Caring for someone
Carers look after relatives, friends, partners or neighbours who, because of an illness or disability, cannot manage at home without help. If you're caring for someone you're entitled to an assessment of your own needs,...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Town Hall, Edward Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 3XE.

Community transport schemes
If you struggle to leave the house or use public transport, you can use community transport to get out and about. Easygo has been established for twenty seven years in Stockport providing affordable and accessible trave...
Contact: Community Transport, , Oak House, Newby Road Industrial Estate, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK7 5DA.

Day Centres
If you're over the age of 18 with a physical or learning disability, or have lost some or all of your sight or hearing, you may want to attend a day centre. We run specialist day centres across the borough, along with l...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Town Hall, Edward Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 3XE.

Employ someone to help you
If you are having problems bathing, washing or dressing yourself, even with help from equipment, you may need help from a care worker. Once your practical needs have been assessed by one of our Social Workers we can...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Town Hall, Edward Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 3XE.

Equipment, adaptations and sensory loss
If you have problems bathing, washing or dressing, there is a range of specially designed equipment to help make looking after yourself simpler and help you to stay living independently in your own home.This could b...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Town Hall, Edward Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 3XE.

Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating ...
Contact: Homechoice, .
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