South Cambridgeshire District Council: Home services
1 - 4 of 4 Home services, provided by South Cambridgeshire District Council.

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Community Lifeline Service
The Community Lifeline Service provides a pendant alarm in your home which when pressed contacts a response centre so that help can be raised.Help is available at the press of a button, whenever you need it, 24 hours a d...
Contact: Housing Department, , South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, CB23 6EA.

Community Transport Service
Offers door-to-door transport using a wheelchair accessible vehicle for residents of Papworth and area, regular trips to St Ives, Huntingdon, St Neots and Cambourne on certain weekdays. Non-scheduled journeys available u...
Contact: Papworth Everard Community Transport Service (PECTS), , Papworth Everard, Cambridgeshire.

Get housing advice
Our Housing Advice and Options team provides free housing advice to everyone in South Cambridgeshire - for both home owners and renters. We will advise you on your housing options and certain legal rights if you have an...
Contact: Housing, .

Visiting Support Service
This is a short term support service providing confidential, emotional, financial and practical support to help older people live independent in the community. The Visiting Support Service can offer support with: Ec...
Contact: Housing Department, , South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, CB23 6EA.
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