London Borough of Tower Hamlets: Home services
1 - 8 of 8 Home services, provided by London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Day centres
Day centres are places for older people, disabled people or people who need extra support to take part in activities, catch up with friends and have lunch or a cup of tea. Some centres offer chiropody or hairdressing fo...
Contact: Social Care Team, , 260 - 262 Stepney Way, London, E1 3DW.

Disabled facilities grant
If you are a disabled homeowner or private tenant who finds it difficult to manage around the home, we can help. It could be as simple as putting in a handrail on your stairs or building a ramp up to your front door. We...
Contact: London Borough of Tower Hamlets, , Mulberry Place, PO Box 55739, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG.

Home Improvement Agency Service
The Tower Hamlets Home Improvement Agency (THHIA) was established in 1990 by the Council to provide professional, technical and administrative services for priority owners and occupiers in connection with the arran...
Contact: London Borough of Tower Hamlets, , Mulberry Place, PO Box 55739, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG.

Housing Options Service
The Council’s Homeless and Housing Advice Service offers advice and assistance on housing options that might be available if you are being threatened with homelessness. Local Housing Advice Specialist Housing Adv...
Contact: Housing, .

Respite care for adults
Carers look after family members, a partner or friends in need of help because they are ill, frail or have a disability. If you are a carer, you may also be caring for someone who has a mental health issue or a learning ...
Contact: Adult Social Care, .

Services for older people
Tower Hamlets provides a wide range of care, support and assistance to adults in need of these services and live in the borough. The services we provide range from giving advice and information through to long-term resi...
Contact: Adult Social Care, .

Telecare - Living aids and equipment
f you have a disability there may be equipment or adaptations that can help you to live independently in your own home. Some of this equipment is available through high street retailers or your local chemist. Other opti...
Contact: Tower Hamlets Council, , Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG.

Tower Hamlets Homeseekers
Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating ...
Contact: Tower Hamlets Homeseekers, .
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