London Borough of Merton: Home services
1 - 8 of 8 Home services, provided by London Borough of Merton.

London Borough of Merton

Adult Social Care
Services for women over the age of 60 and men over 65. Contacting Social Services for Older People Keeping warm in winter Lunch clubs Meals on wheels Residential and nursing care services Care and sheltered housi...
Contact: Adult social care, , Merton Civic Centre London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX.

Adult Support Services Directory
Services for women over the age of 60 and men over 65. Contacting Social Services for Older People Keeping warm in winter Lunch clubs Meals on wheels Residential and nursing care services Care and sheltered housi...
Contact: Adult social care, , Merton Civic Centre London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX.

Day Centres in Merton
Day centres provide a range of activities and services for older people, people with a learning disability and people with physical disabilities. You can take part in a particular activity, or spend the whole day accessi...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Merton Adult Access Team, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX.

Disabled facilities grants (DFGs)
Disabled facilities grants (DFGs) can be requested to help meet the cost of providing facilities and adaptations enabling people with disabilities to access their home and the facilities within it. DFGs are available to ...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Occupational Therapy Service, 11th Floor, Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX.

Housing advice
Visit our webpage
Contact: Housing, .

Housing repair grants
Green Homes Grant: make energy improvements to your home (closed to new applicants) How to use your Green Homes Grant voucher to make energy efficient improvements to your home. Any housing repair grants will a...
Contact: Environmental Health Housing, , Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Greater London, SM4 5DX.

Mascot Telecare
Equipment is provided to support the individual in their home and tailored to meet their needs. It can be as simple as the basic community alarm service, able to respond in an emergency and provide regular contact by tel...
Contact: Merton Council, , 1st Floor Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, London, SM4 5DX.

Staying independent at home
help and support for older people in Merton: Day centresDomiciliary care providers forumHome help and careLunch clubsHelp leaving hospitalMascot Telecare community alarm serviceReablement service short term help at home...
Contact: Adult social care, , Merton Civic Centre London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX.
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