London Borough of Enfield: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by London Borough of Enfield.

London Borough of Enfield

Enfield's directory of adult services
MyLife Enfield is here to help you, your family members and friends access support to meet your needs and achieve the outcomes that matter to you. From providing information and advice on improving your physical, m...
Contact: My Life Enfield, .

Enfield's Health and Social Care website
MyLife Enfield is here to help you, your family members and friends access support to meet your needs and achieve the outcomes that matter to you. From providing information and advice on improving your physical, m...
Contact: My Life Enfield, .

Home Improvement Agency Service
We can help you organise adaptations and/or repairs to your home without the headache of arranging building works.How does the scheme work? You may have contacted us direct or we may have received a request for exampl...
Contact: Enfield Care and Repair, , P O Box 59, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, London, EN1 3XL.

Home Improvement Grants
Disabled Facilities Grant for private homes Disabled Facilities Grants are available to help you pay for work to make changes in your home, so you can carry on living independently for as long as possible. The first st...
Contact: Housing, , P O Box 59, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, London, EN1 3XL.

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