Cambridge City Council: Home services
1 - 7 of 7 Home services, provided by Cambridge City Council.

Cambridge City Council

Cambridge Dial-a-Ride
Cambridge Dial-a-Ride is a charitable organisation which provides transport for groups and individuals who otherwise have difficulty accessing public transport. It offers this service on week days in the City of Cambridg...
Contact: Cambridge transports and streets, , Cambridge Dial-a-Ride.

Community Lifeline Service
Our Community Lifeline Service installs a pendant alarm in your home which, when pressed, contacts our response centre to notify us that you need help.Help is available at the press of a button whenever you need it 24 ho...
Contact: Cambridge City Council, , Ditchburn Place, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 2DR.

Get advice about housing
Visit our webpage at Our Housing Advice service provides free, confidential advice to anyone in the Cambridge City Council district. We can provide advice on a wide ...
Contact: Housing, .

Shopmobility - Shopping Trips
You can borrow a mobility item from:Level 4 of the Grafton East car parkLevel -1 of the Grand Arcade car parkBoth offices are open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm. The Grafton office only is open on S...
Contact: Cambridge transports and streets, , Shopmobiliity, The Grafton, or the Grand Arcade, Cambridge.

Taxicard is a scheme that helps disabled people on low incomes to pay for taxi journeys. When you join, you'll be given 100 vouchers, that you should show to the taxi driver before every journey, each entitling y...
Contact: Cambridge transports and streets, , Taxicard Administrator, PO Box 700, Cambridge, CB1 0JH.

Visiting Support service
Our Visiting Support service (formerly the 65+ scheme) is available for all Cambridge residents aged over 65, irrespective of what property they live in. The aim is to connect older people with services that help them re...
Contact: Carers Support Team, , CC1310, Shire Hall, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB3 0AP.

Visiting Support Service
Our aim is to connect older people with services that help them remain independent and socially active, while making sure you have access to the care and support you need.As part of the service, our experienced staff can...
Contact: Cambridge City Council, , Ditchburn Place, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 2DR.
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