Age UK North Craven: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by Age UK North Craven.

Age UK North Craven

Activities and events
Activities and events in North Craven. Digital drop-in - Our weekly clubs - Other clubs around North Craven - Day trips - Get in touch with the countryside - Walks in North Craven - Workshops and classes
Contact: Age UK North Craven, , Cheapside, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9EW.

It can be tough in later life if you are on your own. Sometimes family members move away, we lose contact with old friends, or a bereavement can leave us feeling lonely. If you need a bit of company, our befriending serv...
Contact: Age UK North Craven, , Cheapside, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9EW.

Independence Support service
Big changes in life, such as bereavement, or a diagnosis of the long term condition, often mean you need to look at life anew and adjust to changed circumstances . We provide practical and emotional support in a way tha...
Contact: Age UK North Craven, , Cheapside, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9EW.

Information & Advice
Age UK North Craven's Information & Advice Service is a free, independent, impartial and confidential service for older people in North Craven. What our service offers: Check your income and entitlement to ext...
Contact: Age UK North Craven, , Cheapside, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9EW.

Transport services
We know how important reliable transport is. Age UK North Craven offers transport services to help you get to the places you need to go, as well as enjoyable local trips and days out. Age UK North Craven's transport ser...
Contact: Age UK North Craven, , Cheapside, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9EW.
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