Armagh: Care services
21 - 26 of 26 Care services in Armagh.
Mobile Foot Clinic - Northern Ireland

Mobile Foot Clinic
General foot health care..Treatment for Nails, corns, verruca, callus, Fungal infections. carried out in the comfort of your own home
Contact: foot health, 5 acton village, poyntzpass, newry, co down, bt356tr.
Multiple Sclerosis Society

Support & Services
Information servicesFinancial helpRespite care and short breaksGetting SupportHelpline (see separate entry)
Contact: Multiple Sclerosis Society, Carriage House, , 8 City North Place, , London, N4 3FU.

Live-in care
We believe that live-in care is the best option for people who need more than the occasional visit, but aren’t ready to give up their independence. We are champions of choice. We know that by preserving the ro...
Contact: Promedica24.
Royal National Institute for the Blind

Sightline Directory
Directory of over 1,700 entries: quick access to national and local specialist organisations and services that support blind and partially sighted people. Each listing contains a brief description of the organisation or...
Contact: Royal National Institute for the Blind, 105 Judd Street, London, WC1H 9NE.

SANEline is a national out-of-hours telephone helpline offering emotional support and information for people affected by mental health problems.Mental health problems are far more common than is generally thought. In fac...
Contact: SANEline.
Stroke Association

Stroke support in your area
Our services are commissioned locally, and provide a variety of support options Stroke support groups offer peer support to stroke survivors, carers, family and friends. Search to see what’s available in your loca...
Contact: Stroke Association, Stroke House, 240 City Road, London, EC1V 2PR.