Kent: Information and Options > Care & Support Brokerage services
1 - 5 of 5 Care & Support Brokerage services in Kent.
Age UK Canterbury

Community Navigator Service
Our Community Navigator service offers free, confidential and impartial advice to people over 55 to help them stay independent in their own homes and is a qualified KCC community equipment assessor for simple adaptations...
Contact: Age UK Canterbury, Castle Row, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QY.

Hospital Care Navigator
Our team of care navigators are integrated at the Kent & Canterbury hospital and strive for the safe and timely discharge of patients, working with Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Carer's Support and Kent ...
Contact: Age UK Canterbury, Castle Row, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QY.

Personal Independence Navigator
The service makes a real difference to the lives of older people living with long term health conditions, working as part of our Personalised Independence Programme. We deliver this service in collaboration with GP prac...
Contact: Age UK Canterbury, Castle Row, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QY.
Independent Living Advisers Limited

Independent Living Advice
We offer three services to help you to stay at home with confidence that you have the right level of support: ILA At Home - All round advice and continuing support. A local health professional gets to know you, organisi...
Contact: Independent Living Advisers, Eden House, Enterprise Way, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6HF.
Sunburst Care Services
Sunburst Care Service
Person Care provider Domiciliary Care Domestic Support Live-in care Companionship 24- hours care and support Health and Social Care Staffing
Contact: Care and support service , 100 Borne Morton Drive, Ingleby Barwick , Stockton On Tees, Durham, TS17 5FL.