Shetland Islands: Home maintenance > Home improvement agencies services
Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) and Care and Repair help elderly people, disabled and other vulnerable people make adaptations to the homes they own. They are supported by Government and local authorities, and are non for profit organisations. A Home Improvement Agency will give information, advice and support to older homeowners who need repairs or improvements to their homes, or the assistance of a handyperson for decorating of gardening. The HIA will assess an elderly home owner’s needs and advise on practical, financial and legal matters related to adapting the home, repairing or insulating it. The main purpose of Home Improvement and Care and Repair agencies is to help elderly people continue to live as independently as possible.
Read more about home improvement agencies
1 - 2 of 2 Home improvement agencies services in Shetland Islands.

Care and Repair Scotland
Care and Repair services operate throughout Scotland to offer independent advice and assistance to help homeowners repair, improve or adapt their homes so that they can live in comfort and safety in their own community. ...
Contact: Care and Repair Scotland, 135 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G1 2JA.

Home Improvement Agency Service
The service is provided by Hjaltland on the behalf of the Shetland Islands Council and gives advice on disabled adaptations, repairs and maintenance. Advice and information is available to all homeowners, eligible t...
Contact: Care & Repair Shetland, Hjaltland Housing Association, 2 Harbour Street, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0LR.