Care and Repair Scotland
assist in making decisions about repairs and adaptations to their homeWhat does it do?
Care and Repair services operate throughout Scotland to offer independent advice and assistance to help homeowners repair, improve or adapt their homes so that they can live in comfort and safety in their own community.
Care and Repair services offer personal, financial and technical support to people facing the difficult task of repairing, improving or adapting a home which is no longer suitable to the person's needs.
The provision of advice and information is a central part of Care and Repair's role, as well as providing practical assistance with grant applications and co-ordinating repairs. Care and Repair is a home-based and personalised service, which puts the client in control of decisions.
Staff visit people at home and assist them through the entire process of deciding what work is to be done, arranging finance and organising the building works.
Each case involves a different approach and often staff must cross disciplinary and departmental boundaries, working closely with health, housing and social work staff.
Care and Repair services offer personal, financial and technical support to people facing the difficult task of repairing, improving or adapting a home which is no longer suitable to the person's needs.
The provision of advice and information is a central part of Care and Repair's role, as well as providing practical assistance with grant applications and co-ordinating repairs. Care and Repair is a home-based and personalised service, which puts the client in control of decisions.
Staff visit people at home and assist them through the entire process of deciding what work is to be done, arranging finance and organising the building works.
Each case involves a different approach and often staff must cross disciplinary and departmental boundaries, working closely with health, housing and social work staff.
Who it is for?
The service is available to owner-occupiers, private tenants and crofters who are aged over 60 or who have a disability.
Where it is available?
National service (Scotland).
What it costs:
The building work is funded in a variety of ways, including local authority grants, benefits, equity release, home loans, and charitable funds.
The framework for financial assistance is around the following principles:
- owners are primarily responsible for the costs of maintaining their properties
- owners must use all reasonable means at their disposal to meet those costs, which includes using savings and affordable commercial lending.
This means that there will be variations in what qualifies for grant assistance through Care and Repair in each local authority area. Our staff will explain to you what assistance and other options may be available to you as part of their overall advice service.
The framework for financial assistance is around the following principles:
- owners are primarily responsible for the costs of maintaining their properties
- owners must use all reasonable means at their disposal to meet those costs, which includes using savings and affordable commercial lending.
This means that there will be variations in what qualifies for grant assistance through Care and Repair in each local authority area. Our staff will explain to you what assistance and other options may be available to you as part of their overall advice service.
How to access or apply for it:
See contact details above.
Office Locations: find all our offices at
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 creates a new Scheme of Assistance for housing purposes, based on the principle that individual owners have primary responsibility for maintaining their properties in good condition, but with assistance available where necessary.
The Act introduces new powers for local authorities to re-focus financial assistance from repair and improvement grants to include standard and subsidised loans.
The framework for financial assistance is around the following principles:
owners are primarily responsible for the costs of maintaining their properties
owners must use all reasonable means at their disposal to meet those costs, which includes using savings and affordable commercial lending.
This means that there will be variations in what qualifies for grant assistance through Care and Repair in each local authority area. Our staff will explain to you what assistance and other options may be available to you as part of their overall advice service.
Office Locations: find all our offices at
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 creates a new Scheme of Assistance for housing purposes, based on the principle that individual owners have primary responsibility for maintaining their properties in good condition, but with assistance available where necessary.
The Act introduces new powers for local authorities to re-focus financial assistance from repair and improvement grants to include standard and subsidised loans.
The framework for financial assistance is around the following principles:
owners are primarily responsible for the costs of maintaining their properties
owners must use all reasonable means at their disposal to meet those costs, which includes using savings and affordable commercial lending.
This means that there will be variations in what qualifies for grant assistance through Care and Repair in each local authority area. Our staff will explain to you what assistance and other options may be available to you as part of their overall advice service.
What to expect then:
assist them in making decisions about repairs and adaptations to their home
Additional information:
Care and Repair services are available in 31 Council areas in Scotland. Staff can arrange home visits so that the service is widely accessible. See
Home adaptations services, Housing options advice, Home improvement agencies, Home maintenance grants & loans
Info last updated:

135 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G1 2JA