Castle point: Socialising > Companionship /befriending services
21 - 34 of 34 Companionship /befriending services in Castle point.

Tea Parties
Re-engage organises monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people, aged 75 and over, who live alone. Offering a regular and vital friendship link every month.Each older person is collected from th...
Contact: Re-engage, 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR.
Right at Home

Homecare services
At Right at Home, we offer dedicated care and support from a professional, friendly care team. Our home health care services are person-centred, as we tailor our visits and personal care plans according to the individual...
Contact: Right at Home.
Royal Voluntary Service

Lunch Clubs
Lunch Clubs are run by Royal Voluntary Service volunteers who give their time so that you can come together with friends new and old to enjoy tasty food.
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service.

Social Activities
Whether you want to meet friends for a bite to eat, enjoy a hobby or interest with like-minded people or want to learn new skills, there’s something for everyone. Some of our clubs and groups take place in Royal Vo...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Supporting People
Royal Voluntary Service volunteers provide practical help and companionship that make a big difference to the lives of thousands of older people each month, helping them to live more independent lives. As part of our Co...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.
Salvation Army UK

Salvation Army Lunch Clubs
We don't just provide lunch clubs and Christmas dinners, but play an important role in creating new friendships through to reducing isolation through healthy and hearty meals in a safe and caring environment. Our halls ...
Contact: Salvation Army Churches & Community Centres, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN.

Salvation Army Lunch Clubs
We don't just provide lunch clubs and Christmas dinners, but play an important role in creating new friendships through to reducing isolation through healthy and hearty meals in a safe and caring environment. Our halls ...
Contact: Salvation Army Lunch Clubs.
Seniors Helping Seniors (UK) Limited

Help at Home
Seniors Helping Seniors employs, loving, caring giving and compassionate people with caring experience and time on their hands, to support older people to live happy, safe and fulfilled lives. Care and support can be giv...
Contact: Seniors Helping Seniors - Canterbury/Thanet, 18 Orchard Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 8AP.
Stroke Association

Stroke support in your area
Our services are commissioned locally, and provide a variety of support options Stroke support groups offer peer support to stroke survivors, carers, family and friends. Search to see what’s available in your loca...
Contact: Stroke Association, Stroke House, 240 City Road, London, EC1V 2PR.

Homeshare Service
Our aim is to set up a mutual arrangement (a legal agreement ©) between householder and homesharer which is both flexible and signed-off between the two parties. Supportmatch coordinators help broker the arrangement...
Contact: Supportmatch Homeshare Service, 1 York Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5QG.
Tehy Home Care Services Ltd

Tehy Home Care Services Ltd
Tehy Home Care Services Ltd endeavors to provide high quality domiciliary service tailored to individual needs and preferences. We support individuals in our care to live their lives as independent as possible, help them...
Contact: Tehy Home Care Services, 189 Main road, Chelmsford, Essex, Cm1 7eq.
The Silver Line

The Silver Line
The Silver Line – Our Mission StatementThe Silver Line Helpline provides three functions to support older people: a sign-posting service to link them into the many, varied services that exist around the country;...
Contact: The Silver Line, 42 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 2RY.

U3A - The University Of The Third Age
The Third Age Trust is the national representative body for the Universities of Third Age (U3As) in the UK. U3As are self-help, self-managed lifelong learning co-operatives for older people no longer in full t...
Contact: The Third Age Trust, The Old Municipal Buildings, 19 East Street, Bromley, Kent, BR1 1QE.
Verrolyne Services Ltd

Verrolyne Services Ltd
Verrolyne Services aims is to ensure the care and support provided is tailored to fit each individuals needs so that you can remain independent and you are able to make your own choices within your home environment by pr...
Contact: Verrolyne Services Ltd, 101 Victoria Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 2LX.