Derbyshire: Moving home > Getting affordable housing services
Council Choice-based lettings1 - 11 of 11 Getting affordable housing services in Derbyshire.
Bolsover District Council

Bolsover Lettings
This system allows anyone with an active application on the housing waiting list, to search, select and apply for a new home of their choice across Bolsover District. (within the usual eligibility criteria). Properties w...
Contact: Bolsover Lettings.
Bridge Housing Solutions
Permanent, affordable social housing for homeless families
Bridge housing solutions is a friendly company aiming to assist those struggling to secure permanent accommodation. We understand looking for a new home can be extremely overwhelming, especially for those who are uncert...
Contact: Bridge Housing Solutions, The Atrium, 1 Harefield Rd, Uxbridge, London, UB8 1EX.
Chesterfield Borough Council

Council housing register
We allocate properties through our Home-Options housing register. We aim to match people's housing needs with suitable accommodation - you need to be registered on Home-Options before we can consider you for rehousing.&...
Contact: On the Move.
Derby City Council

Derby Homefinder
Derby Homefinder is a choice-based lettings scheme that advertises social housing in Derby. You can search for council and housing association properties that are available to rent, apply to join the housing register or ...
Contact: Derby Homefinder.
Derbyshire Dales District Council
Home options
Home-Options is the Choice Based Lettings scheme for the Derbyshire Dales. It is the way to apply for social housing in the district. Social landlords advertise their empty properties on the Home Options website. You ca...
Contact: Housing.
Erewash Borough Council
Housing services
Housing Services The Council's Housing Services teams work to assist those in housing need. What is the Council responsible for? Preventing homelessness, and providing temporary homes to qualifying households if they ...
Contact: Housing.
High Peak Borough Council

Home options
Your options There is a range of housing options that are available in the Home-Options area. Start here by finding out what they are and how they may be suitable for you.
Contact: Home options.
North East Derbyshire District Council
Housing Advice and Support
Affordable housing, choice-based lettings, private housing
Contact: Housing and health.
Rykneld Homes Ltd
Choice Move
Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating ...
Contact: Choice Move.
South Derbyshire District Council

Apply for a house
Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating ...
Contact: South Derbyshire Homefinder.
The Home-Options Partnership
Home-Options Partnership
The Home-Options Partnership is a group of councils and housing providers who work together to provide homes across Derbyshire and Staffordshire Moorlands. Our Home-Options website is a ‘Choice-based lettings&rsquo...
Contact: Home-Options Partnership.