Cumbria: Information and Options > First Contact services services
1 - 4 of 4 First Contact services services in Cumbria.
Cumbria County Council
Adult Support Directory
Search to see what services are available in your community
Contact: Adult Social Care.
Lifeways Community Care Ltd

Support that changes lives
We help people to lead more fulfilling, independent lives by providing extraordinary support for adults with learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries or mental health needs. At Lifew...
Contact: Lifeways, 56 Southwark Bridge Road, , London, S1 0EA.

Advice and Support
Finding the right information and support for you can be confusing. We're here to help. Learning disability is a complicated subject, and trying to find the right advice for you can be hard sometimes. We've split o...
Contact: MENCAP, 123 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0RT.
Northern Fells Group

Northern Fells Group Village Agents
Village Agents organise events in their parishes but their main work is visiting people at home, one to one, to help with a great variety of queries and to ensure people find the assistance they need. They are friendly,...
Contact: Northern Fells Group Village Agents, Millhouse Village Hall, Millhouse, Wigton, CA7 8HR.