Maidstone: Home maintenance > Home maintenance grants & loans services
1 - 2 of 2 Home maintenance grants & loans services in Maidstone.
Kent County Council
Equipment and changes to your home
We work with the NHS to provide equipment that helps people stay independent in their own homes. There are different sorts of equipment available, such as:- moving and handling equipment, including hoists and transfer ai...
Contact: Social Care and Health, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XQ.
Town & Country Housing Group

Home Improvement and Support Team
Our Home Improvement and Support Team provide supported housing services for people with a wide range of needs to help them live more independently. This includes those with mental ill health, complex needs and disabilit...
Contact: Town & Country Housing Group, Monson House, , Monson Way, , Tunbridge Wells , Kent , TN1 1LQ.