Companions at home - Tyne and Wear

Free befriending/companion service

What does it do?

Someone to have a chat with over a cup of tea, help you get to an appointment or run an errand, or just be there to listen when you need a friendly ear. Companion volunteers can be there for you for exactly these things. 

Once we’ve got to know a little bit about you, your interests and your needs, we’ll match you with a trained, dedicated volunteer. They’ll spend up to three hours a week visiting you at home or talking with you over the phone. 

It’s up to you how you spend your time with your companion – you might just want to chat or there might be something practical your volunteer can help you with. The service is entirely based around your needs.

Please note that Companion volunteers do not assist with personal and clinical care, formal counselling or regular domestic tasks.

Who it is for?

Companion volunteers are available to support anyone with a terminal or life limiting illness aged 18 or over and their family. The service is usually only offered for 12 months.


Where it is available?

Local service (Gateshead, South Tyneside, Sunderland, Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside).

What it costs:

Free of charge 

How to access or apply for it:

You can contact us directly on 0800 304 7409 to get a Companion volunteer or email or a health professional can refer you – talk to your GP, Community Palliative Care Team, hospital consultant or District Nurse.

What to expect then:

A member of the team will arrange with yourself to come out to your home to discuss the service in more detail, discuss your needs and then look to match you with a decicated and trained companion volunteer.


Info last updated:

Marie Curie Drive, Marie Curie Drive, Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE4 6SS