Allied Mobility
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles from Allied Mobility.What does it do?
Hire, buy or lease via Motability with Allied Mobility.
Allied Mobility is the UK's leading wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) specialist. We’re committed to designing and converting our cars to the highest quality so that you can travel safely in your wheelchair or transfer to a specialised driver or upfront passenger seat. We want to provide you with a great range of cars that are practical, comfortable and packed with features. Most importantly, we want to bring freedom to your life.
All of our cars are available to lease on the Motability Scheme, purchase outright or hire for short / long term. We also have nation-wide mobile service vans should you require any assistance with your WAV throughout your time with us.
Who it is for?
If you're looking to travel safely in the comfort of your wheelchair, then a wheelchair accessible vehicle from Allied Mobility is the ideal driving solution. A lightweight ramp at the rear of the vehicle is lowered to allow the wheelchair passenger to enter safely. Once inside, the wheelchair is secured with high quality restraints. Various seating layouts are available to suit your number of fellow passengers.
Where it is available?
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