Adult Social Care

Care and support for older people in Cornwall

What does it do?

Here are some of the areas Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing can help you with:

•    Advice about benefits
•    Alcohol, drugs and substance misuse
•    Autism
•    Blue badge (Disabled person's badge)
•    Carers information
•    Dementia
•    Disabilities (physical) 
•    Home adaptations
•    Learning disability
•    Mental health
•    Older people
•    Personal budgets
•    Safeguarding adults
•    STEP service (formerly Homecare) 

Who it is for?

This service is for older people, working age adults with a physical disability or learning disability.

Where it is available?

Local service (Isles of Scilly, Kerrier, Caradon, Carrick, North Cornwall, Penwith, Restormel).

How to access or apply for it:

You can contact Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing from their website
You can ring Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing on 0300 1234 131.


Info last updated:
