1 to 1 Care
Personal care services in OxfordshireWhat does it do?
1 to 1 Care is fully registered with the Care Quality Commission (the care sector regulator), full members of the UKHCA (The United Kingdom Home Care Association), approved providers of one to one care to Oxfordshire County Council and Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and work closely with Sir Michael Sobell House Hospice we also support a growing number of private clients.
1 to 1 Care are a local independent one to one care provider, directly employing over 30 local people providing a consistently high quality, sensitive, reliable and compassionate service, 365 days a year to over 60 adult Clients in Oxfordshire.
We have significant experience of providing complex one to one care care for Clients with; Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Picks and for those that just need a little help and support to allow them to maintain their dignity and independence in their own homes.
We are also highly regarded for our empathy, sensitivity and individual dedication with very individual and highly personal palliative care.
We have been located at our current premises within the Notcutts garden centre for over 8 years and have an excellent reputation in the County. We have a dedicated fully equipped staff training facility to ensure our staff are consistently trained to our high standards.
All our training material has been developed in house and exceeds all National, legal and Industry guidelines and recommendations.
Who it is for?
Where it is available?
What it costs:
How to access or apply for it:
Info last updated: