Eastbourne Blind Society
What does it do?
We offer a home visiting and befriending service to any of our members who wish to receive it. The Society maintains a resource centre where members can purchase, from stock, aids to help them with everyday living. Although we do not stock a full range of aids, items can be ordered in as required. Eastbourne Blind Society has a library of over 1,700 Talking Books mainly on cassettes but with an increasing number on CD which are available to be loaned out to our members.
Each week, a number of our members are picked up from home in one of our minibuses, taken to a local supermarket to do their shopping and taken back home again. This service has proved to be invaluable in helping our members in a practical way to maintain their independence. Additionally, friendships are forged and experiences are shared, making the shopping trips entertaining as well as practical.
Principally through our Benefits Officer but also through our Welfare Visitors, we are able to assist our members with information on the range of benefits available to them. Practical help in completing the relevant forms is provided.
A new service funded by East Sussex County Council and managed by Eastbourne Blind Society has started on January 4th 2010. All patients, with lowering visual standards, attending the Eye Clinic at Eastbourne District General Hospital for the first time are contacted by the Low Vision Support Worker to assess their needs and to provide advice and support as appropriate, including the opportunity to join local societies. The patients will be visited, wherever they live in the county, and will receive the necessary advice, information and practical help to enable them to make informed decisions about their lives.
Each week, a number of our members are picked up from home in one of our minibuses, taken to a local supermarket to do their shopping and taken back home again. This service has proved to be invaluable in helping our members in a practical way to maintain their independence. Additionally, friendships are forged and experiences are shared, making the shopping trips entertaining as well as practical.
Principally through our Benefits Officer but also through our Welfare Visitors, we are able to assist our members with information on the range of benefits available to them. Practical help in completing the relevant forms is provided.
A new service funded by East Sussex County Council and managed by Eastbourne Blind Society has started on January 4th 2010. All patients, with lowering visual standards, attending the Eye Clinic at Eastbourne District General Hospital for the first time are contacted by the Low Vision Support Worker to assess their needs and to provide advice and support as appropriate, including the opportunity to join local societies. The patients will be visited, wherever they live in the county, and will receive the necessary advice, information and practical help to enable them to make informed decisions about their lives.
Who it is for?
People in the Eastbourne area who have impaired vision
Where it is available?
Local service (Eastbourne).
How to access or apply for it:
Contact Eastbourne Blind Society on 01323 729511, or email info@eastbourneblindsociety.org.uk
Info last updated:

124-142 Longstone Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8DA