Burwell and District Day Centre
Day centre for older people in BurwellWhat does it do?
We are very lucky to have such a wonderful resource as the Burwell and District Day Centre in the village. In addition to providing hot, freshly cooked meals on five days of the week, it also offers entertainment and good companionship in congenial surroundings.
Services available at the Centre include:
- Coffee, tea & lunch drop-in facility
- Entertainment & Talks
- Weekly hairdressing
- Chiropody
- Massage
- Charity Shop
- Mobile Library
The Day Centre also runs a "Meals on Wheels" service for village residents, providing a hot meal and essential social contact for many people.
Services available at the Centre include:
- Coffee, tea & lunch drop-in facility
- Entertainment & Talks
- Weekly hairdressing
- Chiropody
- Massage
- Charity Shop
- Mobile Library
The Day Centre also runs a "Meals on Wheels" service for village residents, providing a hot meal and essential social contact for many people.
Who it is for?
This services is available to those who are aged 55 or more, living alone or with family who are needing a bit of help to socialise or access services.
Where it is available?
Local service (Cambridge).
How to access or apply for it:
For further information about the Day Centre, please telephone the office or call in for a chat with a member of staff.
Additional information:
The Day Centre is available for private hire by groups and individuals at competitive rates.
Info last updated:

Burwell and District Day Centre, Ash Grove, Parsonage Lane, Burwell, Cambridge, CB5 OEN