Brandon Trust - Cornwall
What does it do?
In Cornwall Brandon Trust supports over 90 people with learning disabilities, each using their own individual budget. From Penzance to Bodmin, personal support is available around the clock in different types of accommodation. Brandon Trust provide support when needed, places to live, opportunities of working and earning and things for people to do.
Who it is for?
Brandon Trust offer support to people with learning disabilities in the Cornwall area.
Where it is available?
Local service (Isles of Scilly, Kerrier, Caradon, Carrick, North Cornwall, Penwith, Restormel).
How to access or apply for it:
For further information call or email Tracey Drake on 01208 72142 or email
Info last updated:
Walker Lines Industrial Estate, 19 E&F Normandy Way, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL31 1RB