Medvivo Careline
Careline servicesWhat does it do?
The Department of Health defines Telecare as: Personal and environmental sensors in the home that enable people to remain safe and independent in their own home for longer. 24 hour monitoring ensures that, should an event occur, the information is acted upon immediately and the most appropriate response put in place.Telecare combines monitoring equipment with a monitoring service, and is most frequently used in the home. A telecare user may activate their own alarm if they use a pendant.
Telecare monitoring covers a wide range of needs, and is intended to support people and enable them to continue living in their own home, independently or with the assistance of carers, for as long as possible. It also supports carers and families by providing additional help and support with caring responsibilities and all-important peace of mind.
For people who need more specialist help to enable them to remain in their own home, passive monitoring equipment is available. This enhanced form of telecare uses sensors to monitor usual behaviour patterns, and to instigate an appropriate action when changes outside of normal behavioural patterns (for example not getting out of bed at the usual time or leaving the house late at night) are detected.
How Telecare can help you?
Telecare offers individuals, their families and carers, security and peace of mind, through services that enable vulnerable people to stay independent in their own home for as long as possible.
One of the simplest forms of telecare is a personal alarm, which consists of a button- often in the form of a pendant worn around the neck, on the wrist, or as a brooch, and a base unit that works with your telephone system. The base unit will receive a signal from the personal alarm and will be linked to a monitoring centre, such as Medvivo Careline Limited
Our current services include:
- A telecare monitoring service for individuals 24 hours a day, every day of the year
- A telecare monitoring service for other telecare providers' customers 24 hours a day, every day of the year
- Providing business continuity 24 hours a day, or as required. For example we handle local authority and housing associations' emergency calls outside of office hours
- Disaster recovery partnerships
- Monitoring protection for victims of domestic violence, including panic alarms and bogus caller technology
- Managing the potential risk and protection of lone workers through mobile technology.
Who it is for?
Where it is available?
What it costs:
How to access or apply for it:
Additional information:
Useful Download(s):
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