Mears Care Limited - Loughton
What does it do?
Mears supports people with their daily living helping them to live independently in their home. Support could include a complete personal care service, the provision of aids and adaptations or help attending appointments, taking gentle exercise and staying connected with your social network, family, friends and the local community.
Who it is for?
We support people of all ages and with very complex conditions such as dementia, those with a learning disability and people who just need a little bit of extra support to remain independent.
Where it is available?
Local service (Epping Forest).
How to access or apply for it:
For further information call 02085 023140
Additional information:
The latest quality rating of this service by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) shows: Not Yet Rated
Support for carers / Relief Care / Respite Care, Services and Suppliers, Personal care at home (registered), Domestic help, Dementia care
Info last updated:

The Gatehouse, Oak Hill Business Centre, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3TZ