Home Improvement Agency Service
Home adaptations and repairs in Fife for home owners and private rentWhat does it do?
We offer the following services to eligible homeowners and private tenants living in Fife:
Disability Support Service
Care and Repair offers assistance to clients referred by Fife Council to carry out major permanent adaptations to their homes.
This service is free and confidential and assists clients with:
- organising surveys and drawings.
- obtaining costs for works from approved contractors.
- liaising with other agencies on their behalf.
- applying for Local Authority Grants.
- providing advice on other sources of funding.
- organising and overseeing the works.
Clients cannot self refer to Care & Repair but should contact their local Social Services Office and ask to speak to the duty Occupational Therapist who will arrange for an assessment of your needs to be carried out.
Small Repairs Service
Care and Repair provides a Small Repairs Service which tackles those little jobs that require to be done within your home to help maintain it, making you feel safe and secure.
Disability Support Service
Care and Repair offers assistance to clients referred by Fife Council to carry out major permanent adaptations to their homes.
This service is free and confidential and assists clients with:
- organising surveys and drawings.
- obtaining costs for works from approved contractors.
- liaising with other agencies on their behalf.
- applying for Local Authority Grants.
- providing advice on other sources of funding.
- organising and overseeing the works.
Clients cannot self refer to Care & Repair but should contact their local Social Services Office and ask to speak to the duty Occupational Therapist who will arrange for an assessment of your needs to be carried out.
Small Repairs Service
Care and Repair provides a Small Repairs Service which tackles those little jobs that require to be done within your home to help maintain it, making you feel safe and secure.
Who it is for?
older people and those with disabilities
What it costs:
Small Repairs Service: there is a small charge of £10 for this service and any materials used will also be charged for at cost price only.
How to access or apply for it:
If you would like more information on Care & Repair, please contact us as above.
Additional information:
Care and Repair does not employ tradespeople or pay for the work but assists and advises with all other aspects including paperwork, liaising with contractors and applying for local authority grants, where they are available.
Home adaptations services, Information / Signposting / Gateway service, Home improvement agencies, Major repairs
Info last updated:

Kingdom Housing Association, Saltire Centre, Pentland Court, Glenrothes, Fife, KY6 2DA