Home Visiting Opticians
Local independent NHS home visiting optician service based in HertsWhat does it do?
We’re a local, independent
and collaborative organisation who deliver a comprehensive NHS home visiting
optician service for those unable to make it to the high street. Our highly
qualified and experienced opticians offer a professional and safe service to
our patients, from our thorough eye examinations and health checks through to
the glasses being personally hand delivered and fitted.
Who it is for?
If you're unable to visit the high street opticians due to age or poor heath then we can come and visit you. We can come to your home/care home/nursing home to provide our professional, person-centred Optician services.
Where it is available?
Regional service (Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Greater London, Hertfordshire).
What it costs:
You may qualify for a free NHS eye test at home if you are unable to visit an optician unaccompanied due to physical or mental disability etc. Please check our website (https://www.opticalleyecare.co.uk/eligibility/) to see if you are eligible.
How to access or apply for it:
You can book our services on our website, via email (info@opticalleyecare.co.uk) or by calling us on 0208 998 4228.
What to expect then:
We will call you to organise an appointment at a convenient time for you.
Info last updated:


Maylands Business Centre, Redbourn Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 7ES