Housing and care options service
Free, independent advice about housing and care options in later lifeWhat does it do?
We offer you:
- A full independent and confidential service addressing your individual needs
- Information that is unbiased, accurate and up-to-date
- Information on the choices and options available to you
- Help in deciding what to do, but the decision is always yours
- Support and help to make a change to your living arrangements if that is what you wish to do
Who it is for?
We offer our service to anyone over 50 who may be thinking about their options for the future.
Where it is available?
Local service (Manchester).
What it costs:
This is a free and impartial service for anyone over 50 that is thinking about their housing options either now or in the future. We can also advise you if you are looking at options for older relatives or people that you care for. We are especially happy to help people who may live some distance from their relatives and are looking for advice and information.
How to access or apply for it:
Frances McDermott is our Housing and Care Options Advisor, and you can contact Frances by email at Frances.Mcdermott@northwardshousing.co.uk
Additional information:
Our work is centred on ensuring that older people have got the right information to be able to make informed choices about housing and care. We offer the service to older people, their families and carers. Our expert advisor is here to ensure that we can offer a bespoke service to each client and ensure that they can make decisions that are right for them.
The service is delivered through one to one information and advice sessions, on the telephone or in person, and can be provided in the comfort of your own home. We also spend time with health and social care professionals to make them aware of our service so they can refer people to us that they think may benefit.
The service is designed to help you understand your options. We can help you navigate all that is available in Manchester which includes linking you up with specialist providers of Sheltered, Retirement and Extra Care Housing, including personalised visits at a time to suit you. It can often help to see in person what options are available rather than just looking at printed booklets, talking about them or looking online.
We can help you think about all aspects of housing. If you wish to stay in your own home, aids, adaptations, repairs or home support may help you achieve this for longer. You might want to consider your options for downsizing your home to live somewhere more suited to your changing needs. Alternatively, you might want to consider a move to sheltered, supported, residential or nursing care. Whatever your situation, we can help.
The service is delivered through one to one information and advice sessions, on the telephone or in person, and can be provided in the comfort of your own home. We also spend time with health and social care professionals to make them aware of our service so they can refer people to us that they think may benefit.
The service is designed to help you understand your options. We can help you navigate all that is available in Manchester which includes linking you up with specialist providers of Sheltered, Retirement and Extra Care Housing, including personalised visits at a time to suit you. It can often help to see in person what options are available rather than just looking at printed booklets, talking about them or looking online.
We can help you think about all aspects of housing. If you wish to stay in your own home, aids, adaptations, repairs or home support may help you achieve this for longer. You might want to consider your options for downsizing your home to live somewhere more suited to your changing needs. Alternatively, you might want to consider a move to sheltered, supported, residential or nursing care. Whatever your situation, we can help.
Info last updated:
Hexagon Tower, Crumpsall Vale, Blackley, Manchester, M9 8GQ