Age Concern Christchurch: Home services
1 - 3 of 3 Home services, provided by Age Concern Christchurch.

Age Concern Christchurch

Day Shopping Trips
Age Concern Christchurch offer a door to door shopping trip service for £7.00 per person. We currently have two trips each week and spaces go quickly! We can accommodate wheelchair users on our 14 seat minibus...
Contact: Age Concern Christchurch, , 85 Bargates , Christchurch , Dorset, BH23 1QQ.

Friendship Groups
We have a number of Friendship Groups across the area. Each group meets weekly and aims to be a place where people can make new friends and participate in social activities. Refreshments are provided for a donation.
Contact: Age Concern Christchurch, , 85 Bargates , Christchurch , Dorset, BH23 1QQ.

Information and Advice
We have a list of reliable traders who have been recommended to Age Concern Christchurch by our service users. We are not able to check the standard of work or their reliability but we believe them to be responsible and ...
Contact: Age Concern Christchurch, , 85 Bargates , Christchurch , Dorset, BH23 1QQ.
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