Age UK North Tyneside: Home services
1 - 7 of 7 Home services, provided by Age UK North Tyneside.

Age UK North Tyneside

Activities and events
Contact: Age UK North Tyneside, , Bradbury Centre, 13 Saville Street West, North Shields, NE29 6QP.

Dementia Connections
Age UK North Tyneside is committed to helping people with dementia and their carers to live fulfilling and rewarding lives. From social and craft activities, to the services of a specialist dementia Admiral Nurse, our a...
Contact: Age UK North Tyneside, , Bradbury Centre, 13 Saville Street West, North Shields, NE29 6QP.

Help At Home
EveryDay’s services are varied and range from care at home, respite for carers, companionship, support around the home and garden and domestic cleaning, through to specialist healthcare for long-term conditions and...
Contact: Age UK North Tyneside, , Bradbury Centre, 13 Saville Street West, North Shields, NE29 6QP.

Information & Advice
If you need advice or information you can attend an appointment at the Age UK North Tyneside office in North Shields. You will be given a short gateway assessment interview when you call the Bradbury Centre on 0191 280 ...
Contact: Age UK North Tyneside, , Bradbury Centre, 13 Saville Street West, North Shields, NE29 6QP.

Older LGBTQ Support
LGBT advocates have, in recent years, documented the numerous unique concerns that older members of the LGBTQ community face by virtue of both their age, and their sexuality or gender identity. For those older members o...
Contact: Age UK North Tyneside, , Bradbury Centre, 13 Saville Street West, North Shields, NE29 6QP.

Support for Ex-Services
Age UK North Tyneside has now joined forces with Operation Veterans to make sure vulnerable people can access support and advice, and combat loneliness, in what is a landmark collaboration for the two organisations. The...
Contact: Age UK North Tyneside, , Bradbury Centre, 13 Saville Street West, North Shields, NE29 6QP.

Will Writing
Do you need to make a will or do you need to change your will? Age UK North Tyneside with local solicitors will help you to do it. With the kind support of local solicitors, Age UK North Tyneside organises charitab...
Contact: Age UK North Tyneside, , Bradbury Centre, 13 Saville Street West, North Shields, NE29 6QP.
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