Age UK Bradford District: Home services
1 - 6 of 6 Home services, provided by Age UK Bradford District.

Age UK Bradford District

Activities and Events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Bradford District and in our local community.
Contact: Age UK Bradford District, , 75 Wrose Road, Wrose, Shipley, Bradford, BD18 1HX.

Information & Advice
Age UK Bradford District offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers.Our Information & Advice service holds the Advice Quality Standard (AQS). The AQS is ...
Contact: Age UK Bradford District, , 75 Wrose Road, Wrose, , Shipley, Bradford, BD18 1HX.

Integrated Care
The Integrated Care team work to develop and deliver person centred, multi-disciplinary approaches to support in the community. Working alongside health, social care and other voluntary sector organisations to empower pe...
Contact: Age UK Bradford District, , 75 Wrose Road, Wrose, Shipley, Bradford, BD18 1HX.

Trusted Trader Scheme
Help at Home is a friendly and reliable home maintenance service for people over 50, living in the Bradford District area. We offer a variety of services both free and paid for including: a paid for Handyperson se...
Contact: Age UK Bradford District, , 75 Wrose Road, Wrose, , Shipley, Bradford, BD18 1HX.

Warm Homes Healthy People
free independent energy advice for those living in the Bradford District area. The main aims are to save you money and keep you warm. We install small energy efficiency measures and offer support and advice on energy bil...
Contact: Age UK Bradford District, , 75 Wrose Road, Wrose, , Shipley, Bradford, BD18 1HX.

Wellbeing and engagement
As we get older we can often stop doing the things that matter to us and the activities we enjoy. Our Wellbeing & Engagement Team is here to support older people, their relatives and carers to access the services and...
Contact: Age UK Bradford District, , 75 Wrose Road, Wrose, Shipley, Bradford, BD18 1HX.
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