Age UK Staffordshire: Home services
1 - 4 of 4 Home services, provided by Age UK Staffordshire.

Age UK Staffordshire

Activities and Events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Staffordshire.
Contact: Age UK Staffordshire, , The Roller Mill , Teddesley Road , Penkridge STAFFORD ST19 5BD, Stafford, Staffordshire.

Care Navigation in East Staffordshire
By working alongside local health care, social care, and third sector teams, our Care Navigation team can provide 'supported signposting' to enable older people to live more independent, healthier lives. Care Navigation...
Contact: Age UK Staffordshire, , The Roller Mill , Teddesley Road , Penkridge STAFFORD ST19 5BD, Stafford, Staffordshire.

Day Opportunities
Day support for those with dementia and other complex needs. Our guests are provided with a welcoming, relaxed and friendly atmosphere, with the aim of stimulating their physical, recreational, creative and social s...
Contact: Age UK Staffordshire, , The Roller Mill , Teddesley Road , Penkridge STAFFORD ST19 5BD, Stafford, Staffordshire.

Help at Home
Short or long term help and support for individuals or couples living independently, letting you spend more quality time with loved ones.
Contact: Age UK Staffordshire, , The Roller Mill , Teddesley Road , Penkridge STAFFORD ST19 5BD, Stafford, Staffordshire.
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