Age UK Barnet: Home services
1 - 16 of 16 Home services, provided by Age UK Barnet.

Age UK Barnet

Activities and Events
Befriending is a service that aims to provide companionship and support for the elderly who are lonely and isolated, especially due to frailty and physical disability. There are services that cover the whole borough, and...
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.

Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory
Are you looking for a business or trader you can trust?
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.

Ann Owens Centre
Open to all Barnet residents over the age of 55, Age UK Barnet's Ann Owens Centre offers activities including exercise, IT help, art classes, tea dances and games. In addition to activities the Ann Ow...
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, London, N2 8LT.

Barnet Social Prescribing Service
Social prescribing can help you to take control of your own health and wellbeing by providing you time to think about what matters most to you.
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.

Befriending is a service that aims to provide companionship and support for the elderly who are lonely and isolated, especially due to frailty and physical disability. There are services that cover the whole borough, and...
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.

Cookery classes and dietary support
We have a range of cookery courses to suit all tastes and experience, from beginners courses to healthy eating, Indian cookery to vegetarian cuisine. We also have more advanced workshops and a male-only cookery club.All ...
Contact: Age UK Barnet, .

Dementia Adviser Service
Our Dementia Adviser Service provides specialist advice and information and a link for the whole family to specialist support services.
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.

Dementia Living Well Services
For people living with mild-to-moderate memory issues and their carers.
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.

Our nail care services are run by trained healthcare professionals. They can check your feet for any problems, such as pain or swelling, help with cutting nails, and remove dead or cracked skins.
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre, Oak Lane, London, N2 8LT.

Handyperson Service
Age UK Barnet's Handyperson Service provides practical help to older people in their homes. The service helps older people maintain their independence at home. Adjustments can be made to homes to prevent falls and assist...
Contact: Age UK Barnet, .

Health & Wellbeing
Falls prevention, health promotion, Tai Chi.
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.

Later Life Planning service
Growing older doesn’t come with a manual, Age UK Barnet Later Life Planner service helping older people living in Barnet to manage and plan for the challenges that ageing brings, whilst retaining independence, choi...
Contact: Age UK Barnet, .

Scams Awareness
A new service has been launched by Age UK Barnet to tackle the rising problem of financial scams, which are most likely to target the over 55s. It is reported that financial abuse is the second most common form of abuse ...
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre, Oak Lane, London, N2 8LT.

Shopping Service
Our Shopping Service aims to support those people who are still struggling to do their own shopping, have no one else nearby to help and cannot do an online shop.
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.

Social groups and lunch clubs
Day services take place in centres where people can come for all or part of the day to make new friends, or meet up with old ones. Each centre has an extensive programme of activities and services on offer to the communi...
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre, Oak Lane, London, N2 8LT.

Winter Home Check Service
Our handyperson service can help you check your home to try and keep you warm and safe over the winter months.
Contact: Age UK Barnet, , The Ann Owens Centre Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N2 8LT.
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