Age UK Hythe and Lyminge: Home services
1 - 13 of 13 Home services, provided by Age UK Hythe and Lyminge.

Age UK Hythe and Lyminge

Activities and Events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Hythe and Lyminge. Age UK Hythe and Lyminge run a programme of events for fundraising, information and fun.
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Assisted bathing
We run an assisted bathing service which is provided at Summer Court in Hythe. We have a specially adapted Sovereign Spa Bath and Parker bath, to make access in and out of the bath much easier and safer. If yo...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

'Call in Time' telephone befriending service and local befriending. Not having someone to talk to regularly can be lonely and isolating, particularly if you’re used to sharing your home and time with others. ...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Chiropody and Footcare
A fully qualified chiropodist registered with the Health Professions Council provides nail cutting and general foot care. The Chiropodist can also visit you in your own home as well as at the centre.
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Dementia Support
Our unit has been designed with dementia in mind. A day at the centre will include a variety of activities, specific to the needs of those living with dementia. Providing a supportive environment which focuses on enablin...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

We have fully equipped hairdressing salons with trained and motivated staff to cater for ladies and gentleman offering a wide range of styles, perms and colours, or simply a cut and blow dry.
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Hearing Aid Clinic
Volunteers from Hi Kent (the local registered charity for deaf and hard of hearing people) visit our Hythe Centre once a week, on Tuesday mornings, to give advice on your hearing aid. Some of our staff can help change t...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Our new social group for the over 45's. The inbetweeners social group offers members the opportunity to meet new people and socialise. Benifits of membership include: 10% off Sunday lunch at the Hythe centre,&...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Independent living service
Help with all the everyday jobs that need to be done - washing-up, cleaning, ironing, preparing a meal or going shopping. We can take you shopping, or do the shopping for you, or help you shop online. We can also provide...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Information & Advice
Age UK Hythe and Lyminge offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Our trained Information and Advice staff are here to support you and home visits can be...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Laundry Service
We can collect, wash, dry, iron and return your laundry if you wish or you can choose the level of service you require. There is no need to label clothing as all laundry is laundered separately. We collect an...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

Two-course, nutritionally-balanced meals are made from fresh ingredients daily in our own kitchens. Everyday offers a different menu - so choose your favourites! Planned menus can be seen a week in advance. Any dietary r...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.

We have a fleet of minibuses and cars that cater for all levels of mobility. We have vehicles adapted for wheelchair use and tail lifts for easy access. Our minibuses and cars are used to collect clients from their home...
Contact: Age UK Hythe and Lyminge, , Sanford House, Stade Street, Hythe, Kent, CT21 6BD.
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