Age UK Sheppey: Home services
1 - 10 of 10 Home services, provided by Age UK Sheppey.

Age UK Sheppey

Age UK Sheppey Day Clubs
We offer a range of clubs across Sheppey. You can drop in or stay for the day and we can also help with transport. Our clubs takes place at Rosemary House Centre in Sheerness and Roxeth Centre in Leysdown. The clubs are ...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Our free befriending service aims to tackle the impact which loneliness can have on the health and wellbeing of older people. Age UK Sheppey closely match the older person with a volunteer befriender who will visit them...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Dementia Drop-In Clinic
Local Health and Social Services in Sheppey are providing a new monthly DEMENTIA DROP-IN CLINIC. For people living with dementia and their carers who are no longer under the care of the Memory Services: either not...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Dementia support
Enjoy friendship and support at one of our clubs for people with dementia. Dementia Day Break Club - COGs Club (Cognitive Stimulation) - Dynamos Club - Sprockets Club – Coffee Morning
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Equipment hire
Hire wheelchairs and commodes from Age UK Sheppey for a small charge. We have a small number of wheelchairs and commodes for hire. Charges are £10 per week for wheelchairs and £5 per week for commodes with a...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Try our chiropody service to help you to stay comfortable on your feet. Our service is run by a trained chiropodist and she can check your feet for any problems, such as pain or swelling, help with cutting nails, and re...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Freshly cooked home meals delivery
We offer a two-course freshly cooked hot home meals service, using local produce wherever possible and delivered direct to your door by one of our friendly team. Frozen meals are also available and we can cater for most ...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Hearing aid clinic and battery exchange
We offer a hearing aid clinic and free battery exchange service. We have a monthly hearing aid clinic run by Hi-Kent for hearing aid servicing. We also offer a free battery exchange service, upon production of you...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Home Support
We can provide help with practical domestic tasks such as shopping, cleaning, laundry, ironing, bed making etc to suit your needs and we are highly recommended by our clients. For our more vulnerable clients we can provi...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.

Information & Advice
Age UK Sheppey offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Many people do not receive the benefits they are entitled to. We can help with benefits checks an...
Contact: Age UK Sheppey, , 43 Trinity Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2PF.
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