Age UK Westminster: Home services
1 - 8 of 8 Home services, provided by Age UK Westminster.

Age UK Westminster

Activities and events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Westminster. Age UK Westminster activities programme - IT Education for Senior People - Staying fit and active - External resources
Contact: Age UK Westminster, , Beethoven Centre , Third Avenue , London, W10 4JL.

Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory
The Age UK London Boroughs Business Directory was designed to protect older people from rogue traders by connecting them with local reputable traders and businesses that have been checked by Business Directory staff. Ma...
Contact: Age UK Westminster, , Beethoven Centre , Third Avenue , London, W10 4JL.

Our befriending service provides friendship and support for older people in the community to ensure they do not become lonely or socially isolated. Age UK Westminster can help you, or an isolated person you know, t...
Contact: Age UK Westminster, , Age UK Westminster , Beethoven Centre , Third Avenue, London, W10 4JL.

Digital Library
Age UK Westminster is launching a Digital Library on Church St Ward from the 1st of March to help older community members connect digitally. The library will loan Tablets with Wifi access to participants for 6 weeks to e...
Contact: Age UK Westminster, , Beethoven Centre , Third Avenue , London, W10 4JL.

Information and Advice - Our services
We provide free, independent advice and information on any aspect of life for older people. The Advice team cover a wide remit. They will be able to assist you directly with: Advocacy - Welfare Benefit entitlements - Ta...
Contact: Age UK Westminster, , Beethoven Centre , Third Avenue , London, W10 4JL.

Pension Credit
Age UK Westminster urges any older person in Westminster who feels financially hard-pressed to check their eligibility for Pension Credit. Pension Credit is a benefit that tops up low pensioner incomes, typically taking...
Contact: Age UK Westminster, , Beethoven Centre , Third Avenue , London, W10 4JL.

The benefits of a smart meter
Smart meters are the next generation of gas and electricity meters. They are being installed in homes across Great Britain at no extra cost, to replace traditional meters. Both the in-home display and the smart meter op...
Contact: Age UK Westminster, , Beethoven Centre , Third Avenue , London, W10 4JL.

Visual Impairment Project
Age UK Westminster has launched a new specialist service which delivers support to older people in Westminster who have a visual impairment. Visual Impairment Advocacy Service. We provide an appointments only weekl...
Contact: Age UK Westminster, , Beethoven Centre , Third Avenue , London, W10 4JL.
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