Age UK Lancashire: Home services
1 - 14 of 14 Home services, provided by Age UK Lancashire.

Age UK Lancashire

Activities and events
Activities and events by Age UK Lancashire
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy is the only non-drug treatment specifically recommended to improve cognition, independence and wellbeing for individuals living with mild to moderate dementia by the National Institute for H...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Day Clubs
Age UK Lancashire's Loving Later Life Day Clubs provide an opportunity for those in later life to socialise, learn or relearn skills and take part in fun activities. The service is delivered in a Covid-compliant small gr...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre, , Moorgate, , Ormskirk, L39 4RY, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Dementia Service
Free one to one support to those living with dementia or a memory concern and their carers, living in the West Lancashire, Chorley and South Ribble areas. We aim to reduce social isolation, maintain independent living &a...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Digital Inclusion
Age UK Lancashire have launched an exciting new project to support Digital Inclusion and help people to use the right technology and platforms to get online and connect with friends and family by expanding their digital ...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Foot Care Service
Our fully trained, dedicated staff provide a high quality, professional nail cutting service which includes advice on how to improve and maintain general foot hygiene and also provide a reassuring check to deal with any ...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Good Day Calls
Our Good Day Call service is a daily reassurance call provided by a trained member of our team to check on the welfare of you or an older relative or friend. We know that if you live alone it can be difficult not to have...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Home Help Service
We offer a reliable, high-quality, competitively priced service tailored to meet your needs and help with cleaning & laundry, shopping, specific chores or errands
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Hospital Aftercare Service
We offer short to medium term support to adults (18+), both in hospital and at home after an illness, bereavement or loss of confidence. Age UK Lancashire has teams specifically trained to help and support you. &nb...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Information Services and Support
The service is free of charge, confidential, independent and impartial. We can help you with a range of issues which may be about claiming benefits, housing, health and care issues or local services. You may be facing a ...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Planning for Your Retirement Workshop
We have developed a workshop to help you create an action plan for your best retirement. The sessions are delivered by a local Solicitor, IFA (Independent Financial Advisor) and Health Trainer who specialise in later lif...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Removing Barriers
We are delighted to be able to offer this service to provide practical support for live-in family members and carers of veterans aged 50+ This service is FREE to access and offers up to 12 weeks of support for veterans ...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

West Lancs Dementia Hub
The Dementia hub is a unique, community-based service with open access for local residents with dementia, their families, friends and carers and/or anyone who may be worried about their memory. The hub is made up ...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.

Will Writing Service
Making a Will is vital if you want to be certain that your wishes are met. A Will is the ONLY way to make sure your money, property, possessions and investments (known as your estate) go to the people and causes that you...
Contact: Age UK Lancashire, , Wellbeing Centre,, Moorgate, , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY.
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