Age UK South Lakeland: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by Age UK South Lakeland.

Age UK South Lakeland

Activities & Events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK South Lakeland. Lunch clubs - Exercises, Men's activities - IT support & Getting Online
Contact: Age UK South Lakeland, , Kendal Shop , 17 Finkle Street , Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4AB.

Building Resilience
Through the Building Resilience project, we'll work with you to get the support you need through tough times and help you identify the changes you want to make so you can enjoy your later life more. Get in touch with us...
Contact: Age UK South Lakeland, , 17 Finkle Street, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4AB.

Compass in Cumbria
Compass is a groundbreaking way of linking the Third Sector, Social Care and Health together providing a connected and holistic service for the residents of Cumbria. Our Helpline acts as one stop shops for independent i...
Contact: Age UK South Lakeland, , Kendal Shop , 17 Finkle Street , Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4AB.

Hearing Support Service
Hearing Support Service - Struggling to hear, missing out on conversations and feel left out. We offer advice on how to get your hearing tested and how to look after your hearing aids. Drop-In Sessions - No need for...
Contact: Age UK South Lakeland, , 17 Finkle Street, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4AB.

Veterans support
A partnership has been developed between Age UK South Lakeland and the Cumbrian branch of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association SSAFA, to enable the identification of those veterans who needed support. ...
Contact: Age UK South Lakeland, , 17 Finkle Street, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4AB.
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