Age UK Bexley: Home services
1 - 14 of 14 Home services, provided by Age UK Bexley.

Age UK Bexley

Active Living Services
Reducing social isolation and loneliness through the use of our new ongoing befriending cafes and the use physical activity classes offering Tai Chi, dance classes, basketball, netball, walking, football and badminton.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Activities and Events
Information on activities and events around the borough by Age UK Bexley.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Activities and events
Information on activities and events around the borough by Age UK Bexley.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Befriending Services
Our befriending service provides an older person with a link to the outside world and often acts as a gateway for other services and valuable support.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Cycling Club
Weekly group rides and maintenance workshops, aimed towards the over 55s.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Day Care at Home
Support option providing one to two hours of carers respite or one to one support to an older persons physical, cognitive and general support needs.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Day Care Services
We have relaunched our Day Care Service and we now offer flexible packages to adapt to the changing needs and demands of older and vulnerable people resulting from this crisis.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Dementia Support Service
If you, or someone you know, is living with dementia, we are here to help support you. We currently offer two types of support, and we will also be running maintenance cognitive stimulation therapy in the future.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Digital socialising and activities
Online exercises and socialising, fittness and friends.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Digital Training
Digital Training course in partnership with Learning & Enterprise College Bexley (LECB).
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Footcare Service
Try our footcare service to help you to stay comfortable on your feet.Our footcare service is run by trained healthcare professionals. They can check your feet for any problems, such as pain or swelling, help with cuttin...
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Guided Community Walks
Guided walks in Danson Park and Les Nes Abbey. We will even throw in free refreshments and nordic walking poles.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Information and Advice
Free and confidential Information & Advice: by phone or face to face, for you, your family or your Carer. Talk to us about benefits and money, planning for your future, or finding support to keep you fit, active and ...
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.

Men in Sheds
Our shed is a community space for men to make things, make friends and stay active. We run as a micro business selling products to contract for individuals and local service providers.
Contact: Age UK Bexley, , Grassington Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6BY.
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