Age UK Bath and North East Somerset: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by Age UK Bath and North East Somerset.

Age UK Bath and North East Somerset

The Befriending service supports older people across Bath and North East Somerset who feel lonely and isolated.Age UK Bath & North East Somerset are offering a free confidential service to promote the wellbeing of ol...
Contact: Age UK Bath and North East Somerset, , 18 Kingsmead Square, Bath, BA1 2AE.

Day Clubs
Our day centres provide fun and friendship, especially for older people who find it difficult to get out and are 60 years or over. All our day centres, which are run by paid staff and supported by volunteers, offer recre...
Contact: Age UK Bath and North East Somerset, , 18 Kingsmead Square, Bath, BA1 2AE.

Helping You At Home
To help with the little things that make a big difference.
Contact: Age UK Bath and North East Somerset, , 18 Kingsmead Square, Bath, BA1 2AE.

Home from Hospital
We provide reassurance and support to a patient whilst they are recovering from an illness or operation, and can work alongside professional agencies, families and carers.We also offer a support service for people in hos...
Contact: Age UK Bath and North East Somerset, , 18 Kingsmead Square, Bath, Avon, BA1 2AE.

Information and Advice
We offer an Information & Advice service from our offices at 18 Kingsmead Square, Bath. We are authorised by the Pension Service to accept certain benefit claims and we can check that you are receiving your full ent...
Contact: Age UK Bath and North East Somerset, , 18 Kingsmead Square, Bath, BA1 2AE.
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