Age Concern Lutterworth & District: Home services
1 - 2 of 2 Home services, provided by Age Concern Lutterworth & District.

Age Concern Lutterworth & District

We run a range of regular activities, from lunch clubs to seated exercise classes. Afternoon Tea & Natter - Line dancing - Bingo - Quizzes - Book club - Party afternoons, Travelling lunch clubs - Excursions - Holiday...
Contact: Age Concern Lutterworth & District, , 7 High Street, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4AT.

Information & Advice
We offer a range of information & advice to help with any queries you might have. If we aren’t able to help with your problem, we can signpost to organisations such as Harborough District Council, Citizen&rsquo...
Contact: Age Concern Lutterworth & District, , 7 High Street, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4AT.
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