The Helpful Bureau: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by The Helpful Bureau.

The Helpful Bureau

Activities & Trips
Activities, outings, footcare service, lunch clubs, Grumpy Old Men’s Club, Movement to Music
Contact: The Helpful Bureau, , Carnegie Civic & Community Centre, , Warren Avenue, , Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottingham, NG9 8EY.

It can be poor health, illness, money, children moving away, feeling cut off from family and friends and the community, friends dying, a lack of access to transport, redundancy, loss of career, retirement or divorce. Of...
Contact: The Helpful Bureau, , Carnegie Civic & Community Centre, , Warren Avenue, , Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottingham, NG9 8EY.

Home Support
Home Support covers virtually all domestic chores from sweeping, cleaning bathrooms, making beds, tidying kitchens, ironing, dusting, vacuuming, shopping, collecting prescriptions, sorting mail, preparing light meals, ch...
Contact: The Helpful Bureau, , Carnegie Civic & Community Centre, , Warren Avenue, , Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottingham, NG9 8EY.

Our Maintenance Service can provide help with various maintenance activities from home decorating to odds jobs and even keeping the garden tidy.
Contact: The Helpful Bureau, , Carnegie Civic & Community Centre, , Warren Avenue, , Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottingham, NG9 8EY.

We can arrange transport for most purposes including shopping, travelling to work, going for a meal, access to local services/support groups, GP appointments and visiting friends or family.
Contact: The Helpful Bureau, , Carnegie Civic & Community Centre, , Warren Avenue, , Stapleford, Nottingham, Nottingham, NG9 8EY.
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