Kintbury Volunteer Group: Home services
1 - 2 of 2 Home services, provided by Kintbury Volunteer Group.
Kintbury Volunteer Group
Kintbury HandiBus Shopping Service
Fortnightly door-to-door shopping trips to Newbury and monthly trips to Hungerford and Marlborough.
Contact: HandiBus Shopping Service, , KVG Centre, Thatchers Yard, 2 Church Street, Kintbury, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 9TR.
Kintbury Volunteer Drivers Service
Volunteer drivers, using their own cars, will transport anyone who needs to keep medical/health appointments or has a need where no other suitable transport is available.
Contact: Volunteer Drivers Service, , KVG Centre, Thatchers Yard, 2 Church Street, Kintbury, Berkshire, RG17 9TR.
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