Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust: Home services
1 - 3 of 3 Home services, provided by Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust.

Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust

Camden & Islington Mental Health & Social Care
The service takes urgent referrals for assessments for detention in hospital under the Mental Health Act.
Contact: Camden & Islington Mental Health & Social Care Trust, , 17 Lyndhurst Gardens, London, NW3 5NU.

Camden Memory Service
Memory Service for early onset of memory problems in the community.
Contact: Camden Memory Service, , Queen Mary's House, 23 East Heath Road, London, NW3 1DU.

Drayton Park Community Mental Health Team
A Community Mental Health Team is a multidisciplinary team offering specialist assessment, treatment and care to adults with mental health problems in their own homes and the community. CMHTs may provide a whole range o...
Contact: Drayton Park Community Mental Health Team, , 1 Lowther Road, London, N7 8US.
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