Age UK Norfolk: Home services
1 - 2 of 2 Home services, provided by Age UK Norfolk.

Age UK Norfolk

Information, Advice
Our confidential free information and advice service is available to anyone aged 50 or over, their family, carers or professionals. Our experienced Age UK Norfolk advisers can help you plan for later life on a wide rang...
Contact: Age UK Norfolk, , The Elms Business Space , 7 The Elms, St Faith's Road , Old Catton, Norwich, NR6 7BP.

Telephone Befriending
Our Telephone Befriending service offers people aged 65 and over companionship by phone with one of our local volunteers or Age UK Norfolk Befriending Co-ordinators.
Contact: Age UK Norfolk, , Henderdson Business Centre, 51 Ivy Road, Norwich, NR5 8BF.
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