MIND (National Association for Mental Health): Home services
1 - 3 of 3 Home services, provided by MIND (National Association for Mental Health).

MIND (National Association for Mental Health)

Basaira Elderly Asian Centre
Basaira provides support and activities for mainly older Asian people and a monthly lunch club
Contact: Basaira Elderly Asian Centre, , Basaira Elderly Asian Centre, , 116 Greyhound Lane, , Streatham, , London , SW16 5RN.

Fred Francis Day Centre for Older People
Fred Francis is a day centre which offers a variety of activities for older adults with dementia or mental health problems. Run by Southwark Council. This service is only available to residents of Southwark after ...
Contact: Mind Lambeth and Southwark, , Fred Francis Day Centre, , 269 - 281 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London SE22 8JG, East Dulwich, , London , SE22 8JG.

Mind - Information and Support
When you're living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information is vital. Choose one of the options below to find out more.
Contact: MINDinfoLine, .
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