Bield Housing & Care: Home services
1 - 4 of 4 Home services, provided by Bield Housing & Care.

Bield Housing & Care

Day Care Opportunities
Day care provides opportunities for older people to enjoy companionship and take part in a variety of activities. Services are person centered and responsive to the wishes of service users and their carers. Our day care ...
Contact: Bield Housing Association Ltd, , 79 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4QF.

Working in partnership with local authorities Bield Flexicare services currently operate in: Fife – Leven, Dunfermline and Glenrothes Glasgow – East, North and West of the City North Lanarkshi...
Contact: Bield Housing Association Ltd, , 79 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4QF.

Overnight short break opportunities are available at a small number of our Day Care Centres. Short breaks enable Carers to have a respite break safe in the knowledge their relative/friend is being cared for in a familiar...
Contact: Bield Housing Association Ltd, , 79 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4QF.

Response 24 - Community Alarm
Bield Response24 is Bield's 24-hour emergency call centre. It has operated since 1988. The service initially offered support to local authority and housing association tenants when sheltered housing managers were off ...
Contact: Bield Housing Association Ltd, , 79 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4QF.
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